Starting in 2016, Convinzed made his name known in Hamburg by organizing free open-air events in and around Hamburg with friends for friends. These little gatherings called Verflixt & Zugedröhnt, filled with pure passion and no high professionalism, led to the idea of starting a record label called Verflixt Music, still motivated by the idea of we just need to do it ourselves. 

The name itself hasn't been more describable for what it is, because since then, Verflixt has tuned his sound in different directions, always defined by what the crew feels and likes. While that process evolved, the idea of finding a place to do regular events also became more real; by taking over the infamous club Fundbureau and rebuilding it not only from inside but also at a whole new location, it shows the pure passion and dedication to music in general. 

Spending more time in the studio and connecting with a lot of artists nowadays just gives a glimpse of more production that will come soon.
